Donate for musicians in Mali

The field recordings I offer for streaming were all performed by local musicians based in Mali. Some of them sadly have passed away in the meanwhile (Yamadu Bani Dunbia, Jaraba Jakite, Sedu Balo, and Sita Ye Jabate, among others). All others are still based in Mali.  I continue to keep personal and professional contacts with many of them.

It has never been an easy game to earn a living as a musician in Mali, yet since armed conflicts broke out in the north of the country in 2012, it has still become more difficult. In Bamako, curvews and economic decline have cut down the scene for gigs in the celebration culture (weddings etc). Transnational music-cultural projects and cultural tourism to Mali declined.

On a private basis, I more or less regularly support financially some of the musicians (or their families) featured in the recordings. You can contribute to this by donating. This is not an official non-profit project. I rather will privately transfer any such donation to Mali (100% net, of course). Recipients  will vary depending on current situations. Many thanks. Aw ni ce, aw ni baaraji.  

Download audio albums

As a gift in return of your donation, I here offer for download four audio albums (previously sold as CDs, now streamable from the Field Recordings site).

  • Bamako Fòli (zip)
  • Dònkili (zip)
  • Mali Tradition, Vol. 1 (zip)
  • Mali Tradition, Vol. 2 (zip)
  • Mali Tradition, Vol. 3 (zip)

If you cannot donate (or do not want to donate) for whatever reason and nonetheless want to download the albums for more conveniently enjoying them, that's all right. Please go ahead.